Deborah Walrond

Jun 1, 20174 min

I See You Mummy "You Are Enough"

Updated: May 12, 2020



Good-bye May and hello June! The period we designate as Child Month has come to a close and it seems as though the future we spoke about is now. Nestled within the ‘arms’ of Child Month, is Mother’s Day.

Sure, it has become a bit controversial as of late to celebrate and dedicate one day in this way—this often becomes a hot topic of discussion with many agreeing to disagree —still, I will further stir up the pot by continuing in that vein, and focus for a bit on mothers.

Whether in a single-parent home or a nuclear family with both parents present, mother I see you.

Before I go on I will place my disclaimer. To you great fathers, I applaud you and I do not discount one bit the great job you are doing. However, I want to highlight all of the mothers I know who are trying their best but it just never ever seems like enough. Who may thrive in one area today, but fall down in another.

So mother I see you, with bags under your eyes because baby has a fever and would not sleep. I see you, the first person up in the home, making breakfast for your family —breakfast which of course the kids will spill or frown upon because it’s not in their favourite coloured bowl.

Like who knew favourite colours could change overnight, right? I see you battle toddlers to get them dressed only for them to have an upset stomach and throw up on the new, white blouse they got for their birthday.

Sounds like an exaggeration, but we all know that spills know and love all things white and all things new. So anything new and white you can just squirt some ketchup on it and call it a day because it’s the inevitable.

Mother I see you, you made it out the house on time, you got that routine down to the minute… but I see you. Your hair is pulled into a fuzzy bun, your eyebrows have not been waxed for weeks; the stubble on your legs is showing and your nails are in need of a refill.

Well, do you even have the time to sit for hours in a salon to get your nails or your hair done? Besides, that salon treatment is a box of pampers or nursery fees for the week. It can add to the college fund or take the family for casual dinner when the pots are turned down. I see the sacrifices you make, mummy. Your children are pristine and well taken cared for.


In the still of the night when your children rest well, knowing undoubtedly that mummy loves them, I see you crying, sobbing, praying. I see you watching them asleep. You’re checking to see if they are still breathing. Again. Things might be hard financially, your relationship with your partner might be strained, or you just may need to release the stress of an overwhelming day, week or even months.

I see your tears but most importantly God sees your tears. He also hears your prayers.

Whenever you look at your children, know that you see a reflection of yourself and every sacrifice made. Every seed planted in them has been sown into good soil and is reaped with every hug, every smile, every laugh, every kiss, every “I love you mummy, ” and every single “thank you.”

Each time you hear Mummy! don’t be annoyed, try not to be overwhelmed; know that the person who called you needs you and wants you more than any other person in the world at that moment. They trust you and you have proven to be trustworthy.

They know you are reliable, you are strong and you have the remedy they need. Even when it’s nothing, it’s something. Don’t we all want the fullest attention and affection from those we love? Give it to them. They need it.

Every time you hear Mummy, that is all the validation you need to know that you are doing an amazing job. Be encouraged. You are enough. You are more than enough.

Mummy I see you. Your responsibility is a big one, a huge one, but a very important one. I see you are tired and frustrated but focus on the positive moments and the little joys you share with your children and not so much on the hardships and trials.

Nothing worth it comes easy. Investing in your children yields the greatest rewards. It has the greatest interest rate possible and the returns are never – ending.

Nothing worth it comes easy. Investing in your children yields the greatest rewards. It has the greatest interest rate possible and the returns are never – ending.

You are a phenomenal lady and you are appreciated. For all your worries and all of your troubles, God himself said, “For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand” and says to you, “Do not fear. I will help you .” (Isaiah 41:14) Even if you may not have help from anyone else, know that God Himself said that He will help you.

I will help you. (Isaiah 41:14) Even if you may not have help from anyone else, know that God Himself said that He will help you.

We see you mummy! Subscribe to our newsletter below, then moms do a quick check-in. Share how you feel about motherhood right now in the comment section at the bottom.


Deborah Walrond​
Parent Blogger

Deborah Walrond is a daughter, a sister and a mother of two children. She is a teacher by profession, who has a love for baking, cooking, reading, writing, the beach and appreciates all types of exercising. Deborah loves interacting with people, with a particular passion for children. With God at the forefront of her life, anything that follows after is well done
